Hillary in her fight with Trump
And this was already announced to all those who were not indifferent by another author
The communications director of Hillary’s campaign headquarters in 2016, Jennifer Palmieri. Her work, Dear Madame President, will be released in a few days, but it is already known that in it the woman draws heavily on her experience with Mrs. Clinton.
The day before, the woman admitted that during the presidential race with Trump, Hillary’s team tried to develop for her the image of a “strong woman”, a kind of man in a skirt who could do any job in the White House the way any of her predecessors would have done. “We tried to highlight in Hillary the qualities that we used to see in male presidents: that she is strong enough to deal with national security, and that she is reserved enough to allow herself to react to Trump’s humiliation,” Jennifer said. And she did everything right. But it robbed her of her own identity” (read: “Little-Known Hillary Clinton: 5 Facts From the Life of the Former First Lady”).
No, in fact, Hillary was not at all such a tough candidate
Her former communications director is sure. She was distinguished by a natural gentleness and kindness, which she demonstrated more than once during her past campaigns. For example, in 2008, during a meeting with voters in New Hampshire, Hillary allowed herself to shed a tear in a conversation with one of the women. “I just don’t want us to degenerate as a nation,” Obama’s then rival said in a soft voice, “you see, this is all important to me as a person, and not just as a politician. I see what’s happening. And this must be stopped.”
According to the author, at this point Clinton was as sincere as possible.
And, perhaps, it was this episode that helped her then win the primaries in this state.
However, during the 2016 race, Hillary simply had to pose as someone she, for the most part, never was. Of course, this was a serious stress both for her and for the whole team.
To deal with it, Clinton threw tantrums “at least once a day”
Just to relieve tension and not accidentally burst into tears in public. Her press office even had a special room – the “crying room”, as her employees later called it. Here, by the way, not only the presidential candidate, but also members of her team could give vent to emotions.
Such was their internal culture, and, most likely, the ex-first lady learned this way of coping with stress back in the White House, when her husband continually got into sexual scandals.
But, one way or another, the strategy of “strong Hillary” gave its creators the opposite result
They began to perceive Clinton as nothing more than an evil witch who would drag America into the war.
Today, analyzing the results of that campaign, Jennifer Palmiri gives expert advice to future female presidents of the States: just be yourself and sometimes allow yourself to cry. Perhaps if Hillary initially behaved as her intuition, and not political strategists, told her, she would have won the race with Trump.